Sherpa horse riding offers you holidays on a horseback, which are afirsthand experienceoftheriches and beauties of the mountains in Macedonia and Mavrovo National Park.Thisparticular holidayisagreatwaytodiscover the beautiful countrysidefarfrom theclutterof theurban life.
We offer different kind of activities such as: daily excursions, multi-day riding holidays, family camping and daily team building activities for groups. During these holidays, you’ll have the unique possibility to get close to the Sheppard’s life and old farming traditions as well. Lodgingin oldvillages, camps,enjoyingthe taste of domestic traditionalfood, offered inthelocal sheepfarms, sometimesbythefire,sometimesin the restaurant or sometimessimplyin thenature, sitting on a rockin themiddleof apasturetaking pleasurein thesplendorsof life and nature.
We operate seasonally from mid-May until November.
Our riding packages are on “all inclusive” base (We provide all meals, accommodations, transfers, safety equipment, horse riding lessons and safety briefings).
Our offers are created for individuals and big/small groups; from experienced riders to complete beginners; from young children (6+ years) to seniors (60+) who are adventure oriented and love to spend time in nature, up in the mountains.
We are providing one unique experience, trying to recreate and present the life of the old Miyak’s tribe that lived in this region. We are trying as well to present the sustainable way of living, being part of the big eco-system, respecting the laws of nature. By providing our workshops and riding procedures, we are offering the clients a taste of our roots. During these activities, our main goal is to use as much as we can the natural resources that surround us, trying not to use imported products (always serving local food, freshly harvested that day and prepared in a traditional way along with the clients).
With the riding, we are offering a look at the old way of transport, reaching untouchable places, where the soul and the body are traveling synchronized. We operate under strict safety procedures, which are imperative to us. That is what makes us recognizable on the domestic and international market place. Our safety procedures are provided by many sectors of our company (we use highly educated guides, safety gear, radio stations, safety vehicles, safety check-in platforms, GPS navigation and safety plans).