Our core value is to offer and deliver something different, something deeper and unforgettable – something that is beyond the ordinary experience. We are managing that from a very important starting point – host every person of the world as it is our close friend. From the bottom of our hearts, we put together moments that will last forever side by side with the perfect services carefully picked thought the years.
We strive to raise the experience of every client above the expectations.
We are an enthusiastic team who believes in wonders.And wonders are all around us but sometimes hidden. All these years we are connecting with wonderful people and places and they simply become part of us. We are who we are when we have experienced travelers coming in our countries who want to see new places, experience new things and meet local people who will help them understand the culture. Our mission is to help both local people and travelers to find each other and at the same time to help each other because every one of us wants to give something for a higher purpose, don`t we?
Our main advantage is that we are a multilingual team who speaks seven different languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Bulgarian and most important – understand the interests of the people coming from these counties.This strong asset helps us to place ourselves better on the European market.
In order to deliver better services, beside our head office in Skopje, we also have offices in Tirana – Albania, Podgorica – Montenegro and Sofia – Bulgaria.
Why Balkan Prime Tours?
We create lifelong memories and life changing experiences!
We organize social gatherings and meetings with ordinary people with extraordinary stories. Local people who continue living a normal live only with one difference: having the second chance to work what they are passionate about.
Increasing Macedonian tourism to a higher level – applying the principles of responsible and sustainable tourism. Hidden gems are the special places discovered by us and worth to be discovered by our clients!